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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wood Stove Design Challenge: Award Sharing and Collaboration

Last evening Tom Morrissey accepted the grand prize in the Wood Stove Design Challenge, as well as the award for most affordable. In doing so, Tom shared a portion of the $25,000 award with two other innovators that had come to DC on a shoestring budget and with no corporate support.

Matt Remine from Walker Stoves drove all the way from Washington State to Washington DC in his parents Subaru with his rocket mass heater, and Jason Stewart from IntensiFire came all the way from New Zealand with his father (aka Santa for anyone that was there) and his retrofit invention.

Tom spent a lot of time speaking with Matt Remine from Walker Stoves and was interested enough in his stove that Tom decided to buy Matt's prototype which is packed into the van and coming back from DC.  Our goal is to collaborate with Matt to explore additional ways of developing a clean burning, efficient wood stove.

It will be exciting to see where this new collaboration will lead us, so stay tuned....


  1. Ok, we know Woodstock Ideal Steel stove won but how about some details. Total silence from all competitors, Pop Mech, Green Heat. This isn't going to be one of those double top secret exercises is it?

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      I've been surprised by the lack of updates by the Alliance for Green Heat as well. It was confusing for those keeping up with the progress of the testing due to the lack of final results. We can certainly do our best to address any details you are looking for if we have them.

    2. A very noble play by Woodstock sharing the winning. That s called right thinking very positive.

    3. Thanks Vanguard,
      The thought is, if we want to move the wood stove industry forward, we need to be supporting, encouraging, and collaborating with these types of innovators.

  2. As I said Nobel an I'm betting you may see a small piece of yourself in the Walker design attempt when you stepped out to create Woodstock. Again very positive

  3. Congratulations to the Woodstock crew for all the work that went into creating a winning stove. And a special thanks to Tom for sharing the award with Matt and Jason. Everybody won here. It was a great decathlon showing clean burning technology. And it was very educational.
    Question: Do you have any CAD drawings of the Union in all black, without the two tone decor or add-ons? I'd love to see the basic stove with no frills and in traditional dress.


    1. Hi Will,
      While we don't have a SolidWorks drawing in all black right now, it's easy enough for us to do. Could you send me an email to lorind@woodstove.com and I'll get make sure to get something together and emailed back?

  4. Great and thanks. Email sent. It was nice meeting you on Sunday. I'm looking forward to hearing how Matt's stove design works with a soapstone labyrinth for thermal mass.

  5. Great work Woodstock! Still making "Progress" I see!! ;-)

  6. Hi, Folks - happy that you came through in fine fashion. Not happy with the lack of meaningful details and specs regards ANY of the competition designs. We live in s.e. Ohio, I know the kind of wood I have available and I'd like to be able to look at drawings, consider specifications, and talk with someone about relative merits of different woods as well as the scale of effort needed for a complete "new install". Should I send an email to lorind@woodstove.com as well?

    1. The Smokemaster,

      Feel free to call us toll free at 1-800-866-4344 to discuss your particular questions or send an email. Please keep in mind, the Ideal Steel Hybrid is not yet a production stove and we still need to go through the UL testing process which determines the clearance requirements. This means we might not have some of the information your are looking for at this time.
      We hope to hear from you soon.

      Woodstock Soapstone Co.
