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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Table Scraps #1: Beautiful Scrap

We are probably the only stove company with both a laser and a waterjet to cut metal, and staff artists to create designs for our customers.  Not every design creates beautiful scrap, but many do.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Company Profile: Johnny Laser & Big Orange

Ever driven a Ferrari? Johnny Laser drives one everyday...at least one that cuts metal.  Since October 2014, Woodstock’s factory floor has been graced by Big Orange, a metal-cutting laser, and it’s been performing its high-speed duties ever since. This machine can cut 4’x8’ sheets of steel in 15-60 minutes (depending on thickness) with five thousandths of an inch tolerance just as long as Johnny is there to program it, make sure the “beast ” is being fed, and unloaded. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Veteran Profile: The Wonders of Willy Jane

We are not the Armed Forces here at Woodstock Soapstone, but we do have a Golden Arm “force” named Willy Jane Patry. If you’ve ever heard the saying “good things come in small packages”, you’d apply this directly to her and then say it’s an understatement. At 5’ 1” and just over 100lbs. this woman is a powerhouse of strength, both physically and mentally and has contributed hugely to the Gear Head Team.